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RECAP: Toledo Holiday Party 2024


On December 12th, design enthusiasts from the greater Toledo area gathered together to celebrate the holidays and another successful year as part of IIDA OHKY! Thank you to Hoen's Garden Center and Landscaping for hosting us and showing us how to make beautiful holiday wreaths (who knew there were so many different ways to make a bow)! As the event came to a close, we said goodbye to another year and cheers to to what the next year has in store!


Thank you to Theresa Hoen for  sharing Hoen's beautiful history and showing us how to decorate our wreaths!
Thank you to Theresa Hoen for sharing Hoen's beautiful history and showing us how to decorate our wreaths!

The finished product!! A special shout out to the students who joined us for a night of festivities!
The finished product!! A special shout out to the students who joined us for a night of festivities!
Last but certainly not least!... THANK YOU to our sponsors for helping us host this event!
Last but certainly not least!... THANK YOU to our sponsors for helping us host this event!


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